Wednesday, 17 June 2015


A new constant effort site (CES) was started in woods at Llandilo in May. So far, five visits have been made and everything looks good in terms of numbers of birds caught for carrying on long-term. Like many woodland CES sites, the catches are fairly modest in terms of numbers, especially if you compare it to scrub/reedbed habitats.  So far 22 species have been caught and there has been an average of 32 birds per visit though catches should increase as juvenile birds become more mobile.

Five nets are set in willow/alder carr and sessile oak woodland. Nets only catch well where the canopy is <20ft

Although the catches are modest in terms of numbers, they have been perfect for training sessions
Blackcap is the most numerous species caught, 28 individuals so far

Newly fledged young blackcaps (right) are have noticably duller brown caps than adult females (left). The first Juvs are only just starting to be caught, slightly later than most years

The kestrel colour-ringing is continuing and so far 18 chicks have been ringed from four nests
Young kestrels usually clamour to be first in line to get their colour-bling, but these were well-mannered and formed an orderly queue 

A brood of three yellowhammers was a bonus find, a scarce bird nowadays.