During Autumn 2010, John and Paul caught four Cetti’s Warblers at Kilpaison Marsh, a site that Cetti’s have formerly bred at, but weren’t thought to have done so in 2010. Remarkably, two were controls, and even more remarkably, the others were recovered! Cetti’s are usually sedentary, though juveniles are capable of medium distance dispersal movements in the autumn. All were juvenile when originally ringed, but T147893 may have dispersed as an adult perhaps during the cold snap in January 2010 and the two that were ringed in Pembs have perhaps returned to their natal areas? Can’t say for sure but it’s a good reason to target ringing at more sites with Cetti’s Warblers in the winter, and perhaps too, our even more recent colonist; Dartford Warbler.
L296082 27-06-2010 Bainton Gravel Pits: 52°38'N 0°22'W (Cambridgeshire)
Caught by ringer 21-11-2010 Kilpaison Marsh, Rhoscrowther: 51°40'N 5°3'W
337km WSW 0y 4m 25d
T147893 02-06-2007 near Marsworth, near Tring: 51°48'N 0°40'W
Caught by ringer 16-10-2010 Kilpaison Marsh, Rhoscrowther: 51°40'N 5°3'W
302km W 3y 4m 14d
L53495 30-10-2010 Kilpaison Marsh, Rhoscrowther: 51°40'N 5°3'W
Caught by ringer 11-06-2011 Attenborough Nature Reserve: c. 52°54'N 1°14'W
Nottinghamshire 294km ENE 0y 7m 12d
L534559 28-Sep-2010 Kilpaison Marsh, Rhoscrowther, Pembrokeshire
Caught by ringer 10-Jun-2012 Brandon Marsh, Warwickshire 52 22’ N 1 27’ W
621 days Distance: 259km
Three of the above movements make it into the top five longest movements within UK.
That's absolutely unbelievable!!